mindset is the foundation on which to build your wealth strategies.
So, I show you how to use the W.E.A.L.T.H.Y formula to encode your mind with positive belief patterns about money, wealth and financial well being. I’ll run you through a belief audit to examine both your negative and your positive beliefs about money and then show you a simple psychological process for collapsing limiting or negative beliefs and replacing them with positive ones.
You discover:
How to Live a 'Want To' life instead of a 'Have To' life.
Why most people "play" not to loose, learn how to Play to win instead!
If you have a poor relationship with money, it’s because of these three reasons.
Wealthy people are lucky! But it’s not the luck that has made them wealthy it is one much more important thing
Why the fastest way to get a wealthy mindset is to do this one thing, but most people can’t be bothered.
If you have lost a lot of money, the one thing you should never do if you are going to regain it.
Secret #1: The Secret of Happiness:
This is the most ancient of all the universal laws of wealth. Whilst it is the simplest of all the laws and has recurred time and time again throughout history, even to this day it remains a complete mystery to most people who by their very disobedience to this basic law find themselves experiencing easily avoidable financial hardship.
The 4 factors you need to control to make sure that there is not too much month left at the end of your money.
If you are having an OUT OF MONEY experience at the moment it is probably because of this one thing.
Learn the 5 step process to control the flow of your money and have money over to invest.
If you spend all of your money now you will be a slave for the rest of your life – the simple steps you need to take to take control of your money.
Compare two people. One earns 30 thousand per annum and the other 300 thousand per annum. Which one is the better off? You're probably wrong.
The wealthy pay themselves first. The impoverished pay themselves last. Find out what steps you can take to make sure you are paid first.
Having a lack of money is only a symptom of one thing, put that one thing right and money will start to flow to you.
Learn to overcome your need for instant gratification with the 30% - 50% 10% - 10% rule.
Secret #2: The Secret of Nature:
The wealthy citizens of the ancient world fully understood the almost magical power of what thousands of years later, Albert Einstein reputedly said was “The greatest invention in human history”. It is the secret of making your gold multiply, the secret of making your money work for you, the secret of a life-time of wealth.
The most important investment you can ever make and why it will give you the greatest return for the least amount of money.
Whose advice you should never trust if you want to become wealthy.
You may not know what the 7 wonders of the world are but if you know the 8th it could make you very wealthy indeed.
There are many very humble, quiet wealthy people who have made money because of this.
If you want to be both rich and happy, there is one thing you should never forget.
If an 18yr old saved $1.00 per day for 50 years they would save a total of $45,000 – however when compounded the total actually comes to over $2million. If you want to harness the power of compound interest here are two great strategies you need to know.
Secret #3: The Secret of Contentment:
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Sadly you will probably never be rich just by using your own money, this secret of wealth developed in 17th century Europe will show you how to explode your own wealth using other people's money.
Making money is just a by-product of one simple thing, poor people do not understand it, rich people do.
Most people think that to become wealthy you need to earn a big salary, wrong. There is something much more important.
There’s no point being frustrated, annoyed – angry with our lack of money until we take the time to learn these 7 wealth secrets.
When tackling personal debt learn which debts to pay off first and which to pay off last.
Secret #4: The Secret of Possibility:
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Throughout the years there has been a group of people who have understood the fourth secret of wealth creation. Often called “lucky” or “blessed” by those who were blind to this secret, they became, and are still becoming some of the wealthiest people in the world.
How to turn your financial goals into a magnificent obsession.
How to set and achieve your financial goals.
The three things everyone possesses which can be used to create wealth.
If you are looking to start a business, learn the 3 everyday ways you can find opportunities.
Learn the lesson of the shovel sellers in 1840 gold rush before deciding the type of business you would like to start.
The one type of business you can start on your own, right away and for less than $200.
The one question you should ask yourself when deciding on a business opportunity.
Why you should set 5yr, 3yr, 1yr and 3 months activities to ensure you achieve your financial goals.
Secret #5: The Secret of Balance:
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There has never been a better time in the whole of history to learn and apply the secret of balance. We live in the most affluent time in all of history; technology at our finger tips; communication at a speed previously unimagined, opportunity at the click of a mouse. Becoming wealthy or staying broke must surely be a choice we make either consciously or sub-consciously.
Most people think you have to choose between having money now or having money later, understand this one thing and you can have both.
It’s not hard to start a business with no money when you understand the three characteristics of successful business people.
Why you should create multiple streams of income, but why you need to avoid this very common mistake.
75% of all self-made millionaires are "rags to riches entrepreneurs" who started with nothing using this one simple formula.
Why being laid off or made redundant can be a blessing in disguise.
You need to know this one thing before you can create multiple streams of income.
Learn the very best time to go into business for yourself.
Finding out which business to start is easy! Simply follow this 4 step process.
Overcome the fear of setting up your own business using this simple calculation.
Secret #6: The Secret of Perspective:
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The longest journey ever undertaken started with one step, so it is with wealth creation. Wealthy people seldom have their wealth arrive in one fell swoop. Mastering secret number six requires diligent practice and constant application of this fundamental wealth principle.
The one thing you need to do to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of your financial freedom.
Odds are that luck and being in the right place at the right time will not make you rich, but there is one thing that will work every time.
Starting a business with no money is easy! Just follow these 3 steps.
If you are looking to change your life for the better ask yourself these 5 simple yet powerful questions..
Why you should not create a budget, instead create a spending plan.
Learn the 3 areas in which to grow your wealth in hard financial times.
Learn the 5 laws of becoming EXTRAORDINARY at ANYTHING you do.
Learn a very simple method of coming up with ideas to boost your wealth ten fold.
Secret #7: The Secret of Peace:
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Most people earn their living by swapping their irreplaceable time for money. Some working 9 to 5 for an employer; others self employed but burning the candle at both ends. Most people are breaking Secret# 7 The Secret of Peace. This secret is so counter intuitive, it goes against basic human psychology, yet it is the most powerful secret of all.
Why this secret is the ultimate secret of the super wealthy.
Being rich is good but there is something much better.
Why there is little correlation between how hard you work and your ability to create wealth.
If you don’t understand and apply this secret you will never truly be financially free.
Rich people don’t only swap their time for money, they know a much better way.
The fitness coaches method of building wealth safely over the long term.
How to create success systems in all your areas of investment.
Learn the best way to create passive income for yourself.
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